Sunday, September 22, 2019

do and do's computer

please always switch off your computer properly.

how to switch on or off the computer properly?

if we don't shut down the computer properly it will  get damage and doesn't work properly so please remember this thing all the time or tell this to others who use computers. 

what are input and output devices?

output:- to give
input - to take
as we insert a card in bank its an input and money we get is known as output.
such things happen in computers.

what is the purpose of computer?

The purpose of the computer is to perform calculations, store information, retrieve data and process information. A computer has programmed data or computer language that tells the computer how to fulfill its purpose.
computer is used in :-
Image result for school images    schools    Image result for computer used in hospital hospital
Image result for computer used in office  offices     Image result for a mall cartoon malls 

what is a computer?

basic parts of computer

Related image

more about keyboard (part 3)